I continue my struggle with words and images. I was not satisfied with the window image so instead worked on a poem about hands.
The main issue I have is with my scruffy handwriting - although when I posted a photograph of this poem on Twitter Ian McMillan poet and presenter seemed to think my scrawl was acceptable - I'll take his approval.
The poem was triggered in my mind whilst washing my hands in our 'tired' bathroom - tired is the word used by people who want to sell us bathrooms - it is circa 1980's but with some arty twists.
Remember that bitter east wind - well I'd been working in the garden, my hands were very cold and washing them under hot water made me realise how privileged a thing it really is to have water on tap and a roof over my head.
Here it is in more legible form which is a revised version which needs to be edited on the fresco !
Giving Thanks
As I washed my cold hands under a hot tap
I gave thanks for hot water
Thanks for the old bathroom with its 80's tiles, sink and bath.
Do I thank myself for earning enough to pay a mortgage ?
Do I congratulate my work ethic ?
I am grateful beyond the material
Perhaps I should thank the stars - but they are without conscience
Boiling gases from the beginning of time
I thank a person made in heaven once called the bright and morning star
Perhaps not as tangible as THE stars
Or a mortgage
Or work
Or even the sweat of my brow
I recognise in this moment that I do not live on bread alone
I see a man not a vaporous God
Not an ether or a cloud
His hands were pierced
Strange that he is not a woman - perhaps he's not read his twitter feed
How do I know this is genuine/real ?
Well, this morning washing my cold hands in warm water
I felt embraced
As I acknowledged how this one small comfort is monumental
Warm water on cold hands
Sheltered from the east wind
I gave thanks.
So more work to do on the words
The main issue I have is with my scruffy handwriting - although when I posted a photograph of this poem on Twitter Ian McMillan poet and presenter seemed to think my scrawl was acceptable - I'll take his approval.
The poem was triggered in my mind whilst washing my hands in our 'tired' bathroom - tired is the word used by people who want to sell us bathrooms - it is circa 1980's but with some arty twists.
Remember that bitter east wind - well I'd been working in the garden, my hands were very cold and washing them under hot water made me realise how privileged a thing it really is to have water on tap and a roof over my head.
Here it is in more legible form which is a revised version which needs to be edited on the fresco !
Giving Thanks
As I washed my cold hands under a hot tap
I gave thanks for hot water
Thanks for the old bathroom with its 80's tiles, sink and bath.
Do I thank myself for earning enough to pay a mortgage ?
Do I congratulate my work ethic ?
I am grateful beyond the material
Perhaps I should thank the stars - but they are without conscience
Boiling gases from the beginning of time
I thank a person made in heaven once called the bright and morning star
Perhaps not as tangible as THE stars
Or a mortgage
Or work
Or even the sweat of my brow
I recognise in this moment that I do not live on bread alone
I see a man not a vaporous God
Not an ether or a cloud
His hands were pierced
Strange that he is not a woman - perhaps he's not read his twitter feed
How do I know this is genuine/real ?
Well, this morning washing my cold hands in warm water
I felt embraced
As I acknowledged how this one small comfort is monumental
Warm water on cold hands
Sheltered from the east wind
I gave thanks.
So more work to do on the words
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