Which way ?

This thought experiment is throwing out multiple possibilities for this ant to follow. After each tutorial I have a new path that beckons. It has driven me half mad - so I went for a walk in the hills along both familiar and unfamiliar paths. I suppose that is what this life could consist of - if we are fearless enough to stray now and then into new territory. Straying does open up new perspectives on what is familiar, but so far I still need the comfort of knowing my way home. Perhaps I am more ant-like than I thought - I need a nest, a home - what is it like for those who are homeless ?

Today below the thunder of inelegant metal birds I see the buzzard and red kite wheel and a peregrine dart from the crags. The landscape opens up - light floods in and warms stone that was as cold as ice.

New perspective on Cribbarth

Shadows sun warmth joy

My father-in law's clock - the copper face makes me feel at home - I cannot explain why

A low to the ground viewpoint of landscape making it unfamiliar re-worked today after the walk
A painting by Wendy McWilliams called 2011 a record of  journeying on one day in her neighbourhood in the States in 2011
Nature does not respect the boundaries we impose - but moves through, around and over them.

Meanwhile I have now considered three possible essay questions - but I seem to be settling on the sublime, I cannot die yet - sorry M. Barthes. It seems Ben Kinmont is also in that place even after trying to deconstruct.

Life is art art is life. I am conflicted and contradictory - I want a home, a nest and I want freedom to roam - can I have both ? Community or self ? Is our true self found in community or are we all islands with some similarities and some differences ? Would the earth benefit from us all just being focused on our basic needs being met ? Is there more to existing than just meeting our basic needs ? Do we need self actualisation (Maslow) ?

Paul the ant

Update 10/11/18

I read this following piece in the Guardian Magazine today and immediately thought that we are becoming more and more ant like in our search for the 'perfect' life - the one lived by celebrity and life coaches. The article is funny but insightful.

I have made an ant amulet - this will be awarded to the person that converts to ANT and in wearing it will abide by the law of restricted vision. This will make them happy !

